Trial: bX Recommender in One Search

The Library is please to announced we are trialling bX Recommender in One Search in Semester 2, 2017.

What is bX Recommender?

It is an article recommending service - it uses data harvested from the usage patterns of over 2 million researchers to find articles related to articles listed in your One Search search results.

How do I use it?

If an article in your search has recommendations you will see a the 'Related Articles' link below the citation. Click on this link and the recommended articles will display to the right of your search results.
Click on the article titles listed to see the full text (via Find It @ JCU Library)

Image showing that a click on 'Related Articles' displays recommended articles to the right of your search results
Viewing recommended articles

How do I tell you whether I like it or not?

Your feedback is vital to determine if we acquire this service permanently. Please click on the Feedback link in One Search to tell us what you think.
Image showing where the feedback link is located on the One Search results page
One Search Feedback link
