Academic OneFile retiring My Account feature

Gale has announced that they will be retiring the “My Account” feature in InfoTrac products such as Academic OneFile as of April. As a replacement, users will be encouraged to save documents to a Google account. For more information, see the Gale training instructions on how to use Google tools.

As of April 28, 2016:

  • Existing users will be able to access their Saved Documents via My Account: My Folder. You will no longer be able to create new accounts.
  • My Folder will continue to be a session-based feature. While logged in via My Account, new documents will be saved to My Folder for that session. New documents will not be saved for later retrieval. For more information, access training instructions on migrating saved documents to your Google account.
  • New search queries will not be able to be saved to “Saved Searches.” Existing saved searches will be accessible until June 2016, when the My Account feature will be fully retired.
  • Users will be able to use the “Create a Search Alert” feature to have new content emailed via a search alert. Existing search alerts will be unaffected.
  • Gale will fully retire the Gale My Account function in June 2016.

For non-Google users, Gale is exploring the integration of other services including Microsoft Office 365.
