2012 Library Client Survey results now available

You told us, we listened and are now identifying actions to take to improve.

In May 2012, Library and Information Services ran the JCU Library Client Satisfaction Survey. More than 3,521 people took the opportunity to tell us what they think about their Library, and 1,295 people took the time to provide written comments. For the first time we asked about research behaviours and how clients seek information. 2,818 people told us about their preferences and it is encouraging to note that overall 68% of respondents research a topic by looking for items in the Library database/ejournal collections. This was closely followed by using Google or another search engine to find relevant resources.

The survey results help Library and Information Services staff to identify what services and resources are most important to clients, how we are performing in the delivery of these services and resources, and identify priority areas for improvement. The overall performance score for 2012 increased to 77.7%.

We thank you for your feedback and input into this important benchmarking and continuous improvement exercise. A summary of the results and the full statistical results are available from the Library and Computer website, under Client Surveys.
