One Search Enhancements

Latest Improvements to Click to go to One Search now

  • Citation counts for articles in journals tracked by ISI Web of Knowledge, see instantly how often an article has been cited.
  • More sophisticated handling of punctuation in search queries. Often caused when users are doing named item searches or cut and paste of an excerpt of text into the search box.
  • Significant improvements in smart-deduping where records from multiple sources are merged together. Users will now get the benefits of DOI's from CrossRef, full text from publishers, and enhanced metadata from aggregators - all in a single item on a results list.
  • Normalization of diacritics so that they are indexed as one. This resolves the issue when searching for Zauberflote and wanting to find results for Zauberflöte.
  • Bug fixes regarding the display of the AutoComplete feature for a more polished user experience
  • Improvements to advanced search - including the ability to search by ISBN
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